References Aeroelasticity

Fuel Inertia and Slosh


John L. Sewall Modeling of Fuel Sloshing and its Physical Effects on Flutter September 2013 AIAA Journal Vol. 51, No. 9


John L. Sewall An Experimental and Theoretical Study of the Effect of Fuel on Pitching-Translation Flutter December 1957 NACA TN 4166
James R. Reese and John L. Sewall Effective Moment of Inertia of Fluid in Offset, Inclined, and Swept-Wing tanks Undergoing Pitching Oscillations January 1955 NACA TN 3353
Edward Widmayer, Jr., and James R. Reese Moment of Inertia and Damping of Fluid in Tanks Undergoing Pitching Oscillations June 11, 1953 NACA RM L53E01a
Kenneth F. Merten and Bertrand H. Stephenson Some Dynamic Effects of Fuel Motion in Simplified Model Tip Tanks on Suddenly Excited Bending Oscillations September 1952 NACA TN 2789