References Aeroelasticity

Collocation Flutter Analysis

Dynamics and Environment Section Personnel Volume I. General Program Description April 1969 MSD-P69-144
Dynamics and Environment Section Personnel Volume II. FLUENC - Computer Program to Calculate Structural Influence Coefficients April 1969 MSD-P69-144
Dynamics and Environment Section Personnel Volume III. AICs - Computer Program to Calculate Unsteady Aerodynamic Influence Coefficients for Subsonic, Transonic, and Supersonic Flight; Parts I-IV April 1969 MSD-P69-144
Dynamics and Environment Section Personnel Volume III. AICs - Computer Program to Calculate Unsteady Aerodynamic Influence Coefficients for Subsonic, Transonic, and Supersonic Flight; Parts V-VII April 1969 MSD-P69-144
Dynamics and Environment Section Personnel Volume IV. COFA - Computer Program to Perform Flutter Analysis by the Collocation Method April 1969 MSD-P69-144


Dynamics and Environment Section Personnel Volume I. Subsonic Strip Theory Unsteady Aeodynamic Program; Supersonic Piston Theory Unsteady Aerodynamics Program April 1970 MSD-P70-192
Dynamics and Environment Section Personnel Volume II. Unsteady Aerodynamic Generalized Force Programs for Subsonic, Transonic, and Supersonic Flight Regimes April 1970 MSD-P70-192
Dynamics and Environment Section Personnel Volume III. Structural Analysis Program FLUENC-100; Component Mode Synthesis Program - COMSYN; and Modal Flutter Analysis Program April 1970 MSD-P70-192