
Ground Vibration Testing


Dr. Randall J. Allemang, Dr. David L. Brown Experimental Modal Analysis and Dynamic Component Synthesis: VOL I - Summary of Technical Work December 1987 AFWAL-TR-87-3069 Volume I
Dr. Randall J. Allemang, Dr. David L. Brown, Dr. Robert W. Rost Experimental Modal Analysis and Dynamic Component Synthesis: VOL II - Measurement Techniques for Experimental Modal Analysis December 1987 AFWAL-TR-87-3069 Volume II
Dr. Randall J. Allemang, Dr. David L. Brown Experimental Modal Analysis and Dynamic Component Synthesis: VOL III - Modal Parameter Estimation December 1987 AFWAL-TR-87-3069 Volume III
Dr. Randall J. Allemang, Dr. David L. Brown Experimental Modal Analysis and Dynamic Component Synthesis: VOL IV - System Modeling Techniques December 1987 AFWAL-TR-87-3069 Volume IV
Dr. Randall J. Allemang, Dr. David L. Brown Experimental Modal Analysis and Dynamic Component Synthesis: VOL V - Universal File Formats December 1987 AFWAL-TR-87-3069 Volume V


J.F. Mercer, G.S. Aglietti, and A.M. Kiley Model Reduction and Sensor Placement Methods for Finite Element Correlation December 12, 2016 AIAA Journal Vol. 54, No. 12


NASA Force Limited Vibration Testing May 16, 2000 NASA-HDBK-7004
NASA Spacecraft Dynamic Environments Testing June 12, 2014 NASA-HDBK-7008
Michael W. Kehoe and Lawrence C. Freudinger Aircraft Ground Vibration Testing at the NASA Dryden Flight research Facility -- 1993 June 1994 NASA-TM-104275
Chan-gi Pak and Samson Truong Creating a Test Validated Structural Dynamic Finite Element Model of the Multi Utility Technology Test-bed Aircraft Presentation


Agilent Technologies The Fundamentals of Modal Testing Application Note 243-3
J. Lau, J. Debille, B. Peeters, S. Giclais, P. Lubrina, M. Boeswald, Y. Govers Advanced systems and services for Ground Vibration Testing -- Application for a research test on an Airbus A340-600 aircraft 2011 IFASD-2011-134
Marco A. Peres and Richard W. Bono Modal Testing Excitation Guidelines November 2011 The Modal Shop, Inc.
Randall J. Allemang The Modal Assurance Criterion -- Twenty Years of Use and Abuse August 2003 Sound and Vibration
Bart Peeters et. al. Modern solutions for Ground Vibration Testing of large aircraft February 2008 IMAC 26